Intermission: Fanart contest- honorable mention
Posted September 23, 2016 at 08:54 am

The contest is over, friends! Thank you so much for joining in :)

These are some of the entries that didn't win the first places, but I felt needed some extra recognition as well. It was really difficult to choose between all of your pieces, every single one of them had something special about it. Thank you very much for sharing your artwork!

Honorable Mention

By Ar Swiss -  

By Joyce Barros -

By Takeshre -

Other than that, I want to thank you for making this intermission such a great experience.
Besides the obvious delight of seeing your pieces, I'm also very proud and humbled to read the encouraging and kind comments throughout the contest. You are an incredible community, guys. THANK YOU SO MUCH for the great spirit, the fairplay and the love you give to this comic C: <3!

The 3 winners will be featured during the following week, and then after that, the next chapter starts on October!
See you soon!
